
Spark Huawei HG630B


Logging into the gateway:

1. Ensure your device is connected to the Router (preferably via cable)

2. Open a web browser

3. Type the following in the address bar at the top:

4. Default Username: admin

5. Default Password: admin

6.This should then give access to the routers user interface.*

** (If the password is incorrect you will need to Factory Reset the router by pushing the

Inset Reset button on the back for 10 seconds) **

How to add correct settings for the NOW network:

1. From the menu on the left select: Basic

2. From the drop-down menu select: WAN

On the main page locate: Spark_Fibre or TNZ_Fibre or ETH_VID10. Select this option.

Ensure the following settings are changed:

1. Wan Connection: Ticked

2. Service Type: tick Internet (TR069 not ticked)

3. Connection Type: IP Routing (PPP)

4. NAT Type: NAPT

5. Authentication Mode: Auto

6. Connection Trigger: Always On

7. Username: HotShotFibre

8. Password: UrDa8est



9. Click Submit

10. From the menu on the left select: Link Interface

11. On top of screen locate FIBRE

12. VLAN ID: -1

13. 802.1P: -1

14. Click Submit

You should now be connected to fibre!

If you have no internet access, send us an email of the screenshot of your settings.

Minimum 4 characters